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Interview questions about "you" are important to the interviewers because these questions help to see who you are and whether you're a good fit with the organization.

Listed below are a few of the possible interview questions that you may be asked in the interview.  Review each interview question below to prepare yourself for the interview.

Review these critical interview tips before your interview:


You have the experience and skills to be the winning candidate.  Make a perfect presentation with our easy to follow interview guides Answer questions naturally without sounding rehearsed and be confident for your interview:

  • Complete Interview Guide
    Matt & Nan DeLuca
    and the job-interview.net interview experts will prepare you for your interview with:  

    1. Answers to tough job interview questions including follow-up questions.

    2. Thank you letters and interview follow-up.

    3. Three (3) practice interviews with our exclusive strategy

    4. Questions to ask the interviewers.

    5. Last minute interview?  Use our 24 hour plan.

  • Complete Interview Guide with Supervision Interview Guide
    The Complete Interview Guide and the Supervision Interview Guide plus save when you buy the two guides together! 

  • HR Professional Interview Guide
    Job interview resources for the Human Resources/Personnel professional includes HR Interview Question Bank and answers to tough interview questions.

  • Supervision Interview Guide
    Supervision interview question bank and answers to the toughest supervision interview questions.

Job Interview Questions

Notice how small changes in the interview questions will change your answer.  Possible follow-up questions are noted with a bullet.  Use our mock interviews based on actual job listings and interviews for more interview practice:  

  1. Take us through your resume.

  2. What are you most proud of on your resume?

  3. If you had a chance to revise anything on your resume, what would you revise?

A detailed answer and analysis of a tough interview question from Matt & Nan DeLuca, authors of the best selling "Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions" and "More Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions"

I have been employed as a temp  with different companies.  How do I answer the question, "Why have I had so many employers in the last two years?""

First---redo your resume and stress the continuity of employment (presumably doing similar/related work). Use a functional resume to stress your skills, experience and qualifications. Include any and all skills that you have picked up at these various companies.

Secondly, with the current interview pending, stress the # of years experience and it was a wonderful way to get on the job training in various companies. You will have to face the obvious question...why temp? Was it a choice or did you fall into it (took one job to tide you over while looking and more temp jobs came your way! success bred more success)

One thing that is seemingly more true is that organizations are blending their employee staff with a mix of full-time and temp/contract workers. You were just ahead of the curve.

Do not apologize for being a temp. Be proud that you were so able to fit into different companies and make a contribution from day 1. You were reliable, a quick learner and you had to have obvious people skills to be able to be effective in different environments.

Stress the positive aspects of temping...You got an education while earning a living and now, having seen what other organizations offer, you are able to target the job/organization where you wish to work as well as have a clear understanding of your personal skills and career goals.

Here are more tough interview questions and situations answered in the Complete Interview Guide:

  • I have just been released from jail.  Any suggestions about interviewing with a felony record?

  • By mutual agreement, I left my former job after disagreements with my management.  How do I handle questions regarding my former job.

  • How do you explain why you are now returning to work after many years of child rearing?



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