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Retail Interview Questions

Listed below are possible interview questions you may be asked in the interview for a position in education for either a position as a teacher or principal.  

Review these critical interview tips before your interview:

Job Interview Questions

There are many forms of retail from "big box" chains to small specialty stores, but all have certain functions in common. These include:

  • Merchandising

  • Purchasing / buying

  • Inventory management

  • Security and loss prevention

  • P&L, operations and personnel management


  1. What experience do you have in purchasing/ordering merchandise?

  2. Do you have experience in hardgoods or softgoods? Commodities? Specialty products?

  3. Have you had responsibility for product selection?

  4. Do you source and/or negotiate with vendors?

  5. Have you been involved in any new store set ups?

  6. Tell me about any creative merchandising ideas you have implemented.


  1. What is the largest inventory you have controlled? How many SKUs and what dollar amount?

  2. What are inventory turns?

  3. Do you have experience in shipping and receiving?


  1. How would you measure customer satisfaction?

  2. How do you motivate employees to provide exemplary service?

  3. What is the largest number of employees you have managed at one time?

  4. What is the largest volume store you have managed? What size was it?

  5. Have you had direct sales and revenue responsibility? For how much?

  6. Have you had operating budget or P&L responsibility? For how much?

  7. Have you had any direct impact on profitability? Have profits increased during your tenure?

  8. Do you have experience implementing and/or utilizing computerized systems for labor management, inventory management and POS?


  1. Do you have cash handling experience?

  2. Do you have experience in apprehending shoplifters?

  3. What is the best way to reduce loss from theft?

  4. Do you have experience in detecting employee theft?

  5. What is shrink?

  6. What causes shrink besides theft?

  7. Have you had responsibility for store security?


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